Like Goldilocks before her, Ava discovers a house in the "woods" filled with delicious treats.
This Better Be A Jellybean
Because I HAVE HAD IT UP TO HERE with this toys in the eggs BS. Seriously.
Easter Egg Hunt!
Frankie and Ava had a nice little Easter Egg hunt in the backyard. And when I say "little", I mean, they hunted for about fifty eggs hidden by Krista "The Easter Bunny" Schreiber. Only a few contained precious jelly bean cargo...most were filled with toy rings, playdoh and, of course, balls. Hopefully, the day before, no one spotted a very determined mother picking through the completely destroyed dollar bin area at Target desperately trying to find a type of ball purchased a few weeks earlier, then coming up with two empty bags and proceeding to locate its missing contents...and yes, ultimately, success was mine! Ha! Chocolate and carrot bunny cakes were eaten happily & fruit and cheese somewhat less happily, while the adults sipped bloody marys and chowed on kolaches and fritata. Good times were had by all.